The Ai Barista

Taste some yummy coffees with me!

caffeine coded homepage

This project stemmed from my love for AI and Coffee. I've wanted for a long time to track all the coffees I drink, but never put together a blog for this as I am not the best at writing. So I decided to incorporate my love for AI, by having AI take my notes on the coffees I am drinking and turn it into a blog post with images.

This project was built using NextJS 13, Tailwind, and Content Layer. This was a fun project and with content layer it quickly turns my mark down files into a great looking blog post.

Some challenges that I faced were: getting a nice responsive layout for the blog, as well as actually getting myself to write the blogs haha. This will hopefully inspire me to keep better records of all the amazing coffees I drink and hopefully direct some people to some truly unique coffees.

Check out the links below to see how it's built and find your next amazing coffee to try!